Social Foundation Program
The social dance program, your first personalized dance plan, embodies the basics necessary for good dancing. The key elements, which are very important, make you feel confident through structured dancing in a social environment.
This program will also give you a sufficient variety of patterns to permit you to be an interesting dance partner. Finally, the Social Dance Program provides an excellent stepping stone to our next level, the Bronze Trophy System. We know you will enjoy this program and soon realize the true benefits of good social dancing.
Bronze Program
Once you have completed the Social Dance Program, you are ready to continue to the Bronze Program, the most popular standard of dancing. The Bronze I Dancer is considered fun to dance with in all the popular Social Dances and has complete confidence in figures taught. The Bronze I Dancer will continue within the Bronze Level to the Bronze II Program to develop the necessary styling to create a pleasant appearance on the dance floor and cope with almost any dance situation.
Silver Program
When you complete the Bronze Program, you will have an increased level of confidence in ballroom dancing. You will be on your way towards excellence in the Silver Program where the Silver Dancer develops and perfects technique. The Silver Dancer will be distinguished by versatility.
Gold Program
The Gold Dancer has the confidence which comes from a complete and thorough knowledge of all the major ballroom dances. Advanced style and poise in all dances sets the Gold Dancer apart from others.
Supreme Gold Program
As the name implies, the Supreme Gold standard is the ultimate in dance perfection. The Supreme Gold Dancer aims high and plans to make dancing his/her hobby. Throughout the entire world the Supreme Gold Dancer is considered “Tops” in dance perfection.